Convert Wrf Output To Grib Free Download For Mac
Someone sent me a WebEx webcast they wanted me to view this afternoon. The file had a.WRF file ending which stands for WebEx Recording Format which is one of the two file formats that WebEx webcasts are saved as. The other format that WebEx files are saved as is the ARF or WebEx Advanced Recording Format.
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ECMWF model data comes in a hybrid GRIB format, that is, model level output is stored in GRIB2 messages, whereas surface data still uses GRIB1 format. Ungrib is unable to understand this hybrid GRIB format.
Typically you could simply download the WebEx Player available by clicking however you may want to convert this video, which requires the WebEx Recording Editor, to provide to others in a format they can view without having to install an application. It took me awhile to figure out how to convert this file properly since I only seemed to be able to find the older WebEx Editor versions.
Convert Wrf Output To Grid Free Download For Mac
I finally signed up for a trial account and was able to download version 3 of the WebEx Recording Editor which allowed me to convert to WMV format and from that I was able to convert to any other video format including AVI, MP4, XVID, and MPEG. Download castle of illusion for mac. Follow the directions below to first convert the.WRF to.WMV and then the second set of directions if you want to convert to another video format. Convert WebEx.WRF Files To.WMV Format: • Download WebEx Editor: Depending on the WebEx version of your.WRF file you most likely need the newest WebEx Editor which at the time of writing this article was WebEx Recording Editor version 3.0.

You can download WebEx Recording Editor version 3.0 by clicking. If by chance you need a newer version than 3.0 you could sign up for a trial account, click on downloads, install the newer version, and then follow the instructions below.
If you need a previous version click one of the following version numbers;. • Uncompress ATEditor: Right click on the file and extract its contents. The file contains a single file which is ateditor-version-3.0.msi which is a Windows Installation file. • WebEx Editor Installation: Now double click on the ateditor-version-3.0.msi file to begin the WebEx Editor installation.
When you first click on the.MSI file you may get an “Open File – Security Warning” so if you do just click on the Run button to execute the installer. The first screen of the WebEx InstallShield Wizard is displayed below. • WebEx Editor License: After clicking the Next button from the WebEx Editor InstallShield screen above you will be required to agree to the WebEx Editor License Agreement displayed in the example image below. Click the radio button next to “I accept the terms in this license agreement” followed by the Next button to continue. • WebEx Editor Setup Type: After agreeing to the license above you will need to select Complete for the WebEx Editor setup type.